Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sick Bay

Captains log:

Day three--what started with miserable aches and chills turned into one of the worst flu's I've ever had. As any good captain would, I checked out WebMD to see what my high fever could mean and as it turns out, I not only have H1N1, but bronchitis, Rubella, shingles, depression, and pneumonia.
         (Note to self--next time do not consult webMD--but who are you kidding? You will.)

It's been a day now with little contact to other life  forms.  This has been my view for too long:

The first two days the youngest human tried to share my pillow, rubbed my hair and even drew me this lovely picture and hung it on my nightstand.

Today she seems to have come to the same realizations as webMD and her survival instincts have told her to stay clear of the Sick Bay. I even heard her tell the other human that they should consider abandoning ship, along with me in it. Okay maybe that was the NyQuil talking. 

On day one and two the other human built me fires, made be an inflatable bed in the common quarters and even gave me a back rub. Today she slid my tray of food by the door.

Thankfully we had a delivery yesterday from the "mother" ship and it contained much needed reinforcements. 

The doctor saw me today (actually I waited 1.5 hours in the lobby before he got to me and the appointment took all of 5 minutes) and contrary to what WebMD says, I have "junk" in my lungs, Tonsillitis, which is fancy for inflamed tonsils, and a viral infection.

One more day of bed rest and plenty of fluids. If I'm still not better than the almighty Z-Pack will be prescribed by the good doctor.

Oh wait, there's hope on the horizon I just got a visit from the human and she's brought me a special note to cheer me up--

I was right. There's mutiny afoot here.