Saturday, May 18, 2013

Finding the littlest Matryoshka

If you've read the title of this Blog then it should come as no surprise that I have a thing for Matryoshka's. It started when I was a little girl and shook a bright red Matryoshka that stood, red lipped and smiling, on a shelf in my grandmother's house. Her little wooden eyes encouraging me to pick her up, and upon hearing the rattle inside, I only found my curiosity peaked that much more. After a minute or so of forcefully shimmying her waistline to and fro, out popped another little red lipped beauty, and then another, and another, and just when you think there couldn't possible be one more, there she is, the littlest of the Matryoshka's, or as like to call her, la petite Matryoshka, which isn't really proper considering they originated in Russia, but my Russian needs some work, well, so does my French for that matter.
It wasn't until a trip to Ellis Island in 2011 that I finally purchased my very own set of nesting dolls. I walked into the section marked "Russia" and my little heart went all aflutter. Dozens of little nesting dolls in all shapes and colors! It took me a good twenty five minutes to finally decide on one.
From here on out I won't be bombarding you with images and tales of Matryoshka's, okay, well I probably will a few more times. I just wanted to start out by telling you how the idea got started and how I look forward to talking about all sorts of things, and unraveling the beautiful, comical, and interesting pieces of life, one little layer at a time.

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