Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Day Penelope Became Pete

Last year we got a guinea pig as a pet for the Preschool. I tell you she was the cutest rodent (although I would never call her that to her face mind you) I had ever seen.

This photo really doesn't do her justice. What you can't see is her adorable all white behind.
This is the Bio posted on her home (okay, I made most of it up, but I'm sure she'd agree):
Full name: Penelope Jane
Born: June 13, 2012
Likes-apples, playing tag, water, being read to
Dislikes-People tapping on her glass house
Favorite Books: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Pride & Prejudice
Favorite Color: Blue

We all fell in love with her and wanted what was best for her, and according to the experts, it was another guinea pig. About six months later we welcomed another little girl guinea pig into our family and they even got a deluxe 50 gallon tank as a new home!

Here she is, Isabella, named after the little girl who loved her dearly & was sad to her go, but happy for us.

Full name: Isabella Corduroy
Born: December 29, 2012
Likes: playing hide and seek, traveling, dressing up
Dislikes: Being left all alone
Favorite Books: Olivia & the Fairy Princess, Diary of a Wombat
Favorite Color: Purple

The guineas seemed happy and started making all sorts of fun new noises and were constantly playing tag and hide and go seek, as previously mentioned in their Bio's. Life was great. Then on May 7th I walked into the classroom and saw this...

It turns out, those "experts" were right, guinea pigs do love company, unfortunately, they also didn't know how to properly sex a guinea pig. Oops. It has made for some fun classroom conversations. My favorite was from a four year old who when talking about how mommy's carry their babies in their tummy's, he replied, "Mine carried me in her shoe." I love my job.

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